
KERN sluit aan bij Triple Group
Aankoop bedrijf én financiering binnen maand?
Fotoshoot met nieuwe collega’s
Bouw Van der Valk Solar Systems loopt goed
Erik van Leeuwen junior project manager construction at Triple Group

Business closure of Van Drunen Potplant nursery

Potplantenkwekerij Van Drunen en Zn. BV in Amstelveen had geen bedrijfsopvolging. De buurman, Loogman Vastgoed B.V. met meerdere tank- en carwash-locaties, had behoefte aan uitbreiding van de huidige carwash en faciliteiten. Triple Group heeft Van...

Productive construction holiday!

Na de bouwvak maakten we een rondje langs onze bouwprojecten vlakbij. Tijdens de bouwvak is op de diverse locaties voorspoedig doorgewerkt. Bij Van der Valk Solar Systems in Naaldwijk is gestart met het oprichten van...

Annet Hooijmans passed away

Tot ons grote verdriet ontvingen wij het bericht dat Annet Hooijmans is overleden. De afgelopen jaren leverde Annet versterking waar nodig bij Triple Group. Altijd kon iedereen rekenen op de positieve, montere en nuchtere Annet die...

Triple Group zoekt een Organisatieadviseur Interim Management

Voor het uitbouwen van onze interim-activiteiten zijn wij op zoek naar een organisatieadviseur, die thuis is in het werkveld van tijdelijk management. Als expert in jouw vakgebied maak je gebruik van je grote netwerk in...

Nieuwbouw Mitrofresh gestart

De afgelopen maanden is hard gewerkt op het perceel van het nieuwe distributiecentrum van paddenstoelen- en agf-groothandel Mitrofresh aan de Transportweg in Maasdijk. Het bestaande pand is gesloopt en het terrein is bouwrijp gemaakt. Nu...

‘Er wordt gestuurd op energieneutraal bouwen’

Recent werd Triple Group benaderd door AGF-vakblad Primeur om onze visie te delen over de laatste ontwikkelingen en de uitdagingen bij het bouwen voor de AGF-sector. Maarten Veldman van Triple Group benoemt in bijgaand artikel...

Nieuwbouw Van der Valk Solar Systems

Binnenkort start de nieuwbouw van de toekomstige vestiging van Van der Valk Solar Systems op Galgeweg 46 in ’s-Gravenzande! Aad Bom heeft het ontwerp voor de nieuwbouw gemaakt, dat ruimte geeft voor de verdere groei...

Jill van der Salm junior business advisor at Triple Group!

Per 1 mei 2024 is Jill van der Salm gestart als junior bedrijfskundig adviseur binnen het Finance-team van Triple Group. Jill heeft Bedrijfskunde gestudeerd aan de Hogeschool Rotterdam, met als specialisatie verandermanagement en interne communicatie....

We are looking for a Junior Construction Project Manager!

Ben jij een starter op de arbeidsmarkt die van gevarieerd werk houdt en zich graag ergens in vast bijt? Word Junior Projectmanager Bouw bij Triple Group! Ben je praktisch, proactief en leergierig? Gaat je hart...

Leadership Masterclass: Continuing to develop yourself and broaden knowledge is important

Sebastiaan Breugem, Jan Reijm, Jip van ’t Hof en Jan van den Belt zijn de jonge ondernemers van Oxin Growers die de afgelopen maanden de Masterclass Leiderschap hebben gevolgd. Alle vier zijn zij werkzaam in...

Marcel van der Zwan leaves Triple Group

Per 1 april 2024 zal onze collega en mede-directielid Marcel van der Zwan vertrekken bij Triple Group om de directie van MTS Euro Products B.V. als COO (Chief Operations Officer) te versterken. De directie van...

Masterclass Strategy formation for Oxin Growers

Drie jonge ondernemers van Oxin Growers, Yuri Berben, Job Kaashoek en Jop de Vries, hebben afgelopen maanden de masterclass Strategievorming gevolgd. Deze masterclass is onderdeel van het programma Masterclass Young Oxin, die door René Gomersbach...

Elles Zwinkels organisation consultant at Triple Group

Per 1 januari 2024 is Elles Zwinkels toegevoegd aan het Finance-team van Triple Group. Elles heeft bij enkele toonaangevende bedrijven in en buiten de glastuinbouwsector gewerkt als o.a. afdelingsmanager Customer Service bij Lely Industries.Met haar...

Masterclass Business Succession for young entrepreneurs

De energietransitie, verduurzaming en digitalisering vragen veel van het vermogen van groenten- en fruittelers om te veranderen en te ontwikkelen. Voor de jonge ondernemers van telerscoöperatie Oxin Growers heeft René Gomersbach, business consultant bij Triple...

New distribution center Smits Zevenhuizen operational

Na twee jaar van engineeren en bouw staat het nieuwe pand van Smits Zevenhuizen aan de Zuidelijke Dwarsweg in Zevenhuizen. De nieuwbouw geeft Smits meer ruimte voor de bedrijfsprocessen van verwerking en distributie van kaas...

Construction supervision of new construction DAEL

Voor het nieuw te bouwen pand op Honderdland in Maasdijk met een BVO van 26.000 m2 heeft DAEL heeft DAEL Triple Group gevraagd het bouwtoezicht te gaan houden. Dat betekent dat Triple Group zich gaat...

New construction H.Z. Logistics completed

Na een periode van anderhalf jaar is afgelopen week het casco nieuwbouw pand van H.Z. Logistics door De Vries en Verburg opgeleverd. Momenteel wordt de laatste hand gelegd aan de kantoren en installaties, zodat H.Z....

Develop logistics plan Olympic Food Group

Olympic Food Group heeft Triple Group gevraagd om een logistiek plan uit te werken, met de vraag hoe het ideale pand van de toekomst eruitziet. Met onze logistieke kennis en ervaring in de AGF, zullen...

Triple Group is expanding!

René Gomersbach has been added to Triple Group's Finance team as of April 1, 2023. He will start as a senior business advisor and, in addition to providing financial guidance to companies, will be deployed as an interim management board member for customers/relations of Triple Group.

More and more construction projects are achieving BREEAM-NL Standard

Steeds meer bouwprojecten die Triple Group begeleidt en realiseert halen de BREEAM-NL Excellent-standaard. Dat betekent dat onze klanten het steeds belangrijker vinden om inzichtelijk te maken hoe duurzaam de nieuwbouw is én dat de projecten aan de...

Solid basis for the ambitions of nursery Mostert

Last week, the acquisition of and by went viral. The scale-up of, which is only 5 years old, is impressive, because with this acquisition the company is growing into the top 5...

5, 15 and another 15 years at Triple Group!

Three jubilees at Triple Group this month! Jochem Bos has been with the company for 5 years now. And Marcel van der Zwan and Anouschka Blom-van Leeuwen are even ticking 15 years! They started simultaneously on January 1, 2008. Our colleagues were surprised with a delicious cake!

New website is live!

Because time and developments do not stand still, it was time to refresh our website. We are proud to announce that our completely new website is now online. Not only the appearance of the website, but also the functionalities have been refreshed.

Highest point new construction H.Z. Logistics

Last week the highest point of the new cross-dock center of H.Z was reached. Logistics at the Honderdland business park in Maasdijk by De Vries and Verburg Bouw. When the highest point has been reached, the main supporting structure of the main building is ready and the installation of the facades and roofs continues.

Impressive sustainable new construction Dnata at Schiphol

Begin dit jaar is de bouw gestart van Vrachtgebouw 17, het nieuwe pand voor Dnata, een van de grootste vrachtafhandelaars op Schiphol. 7 Maanden na de start zijn de vorderingen van de nieuwbouw indrukwekkend. In...

Sustainable Amsterdam Logistic Cityhub

Duurzaamheid kan in één woord genoemd worden met de Amsterdam Logistic Cityhub, dat langs het Noordzeekanaal verrijst. Daar is het hele concept van het ALC op gericht: kwalitatieve distributie waarbij zuinig en slim wordt omgegaan...

Festive pile H.Z. Logistics crossdock center

Maandag 16 mei is de feestelijke heipaal geslagen voor de nieuwbouw van het crossdockcentrum van H.Z. Logistics op bedrijventerrein Honderdland in Maasdijk. De nieuwbouw bestaat 12.000 m2 met 32 docks en een hypermoderne garage met wasstraat voor...

Companies with an Advisory Board perform better

Heeft u behoefte aan een klankbord om vraagstukken en ontwikkelingen binnen en buiten uw bedrijf te bespreken? Dan kan een Raad van Advies (RvA) uitkomst bieden. Slechts 1 op de 20 middelgrote bedrijven in Nederland...

Insight and grip despite the volatile energy market

These are uncertain times for greenhouse horticultural entrepreneurs who have not yet purchased their energy needs in advance. Gas and electricity rates have risen to such an extremely high level that positive exploitation is difficult or impossible to achieve. Such a situation creates a lot of uncertainty. If you are not careful, this will have an impact on cultivation and therefore production.

New! Cargo building 17 at Schiphol Southeast

Construction will start this month on the new Cargo Building 17 at Schiphol Zuidoost, a new building for dnata, one of the largest cargo handlers at Schiphol, currently located in Cargo Building 5/6 at Schiphol Zuid. Cargo Building 5 will be demolished in 2024 to accommodate the 2nd phase of the doubling of Lane Quebec, a 2nd flyover for aircraft over the A4. Doubling this lane increases safety at Schiphol and improves the infrastructure for airlines and Air Traffic Control the Netherlands. The first phase of this project was completed and put into use in mid-December.

New cross-dock center for H.Z. Logistics

In March of 2022 the construction of the new cross-dock center for H.Z. Logistics will start! The new construction building will arise along the A20 at the Honderdland business park in Maasdijk! With the permit for the new building in its pocket, last week H.Z. Logistics proudly presented the impression images of its future headquarters.

Luc van der Bij business consultant at Triple Group

As of October 18, Luc van der Bij has been added to the Triple Group Finance team. He starts as a junior business consultant. Luc obtained his bachelor's degree in Business Administration this summer at The Hague University of Applied Sciences.

New construction MTS Euro Products almost completed

This week, the finishing touches are being put to the new construction of the colossal new premises of MTS Euro Products along the Scheur in Maassluis.Triple Group has been asked to act as the managing director for the new construction, which means that we...

End of cycling season 't Zuggie

Yesterday cycling club 't Zuggie organized a photo puzzle ride at the end of the cycling season. Thanks to the beautiful weather the ride became a great success. Many well-known and lesser-known places were visited. Around half past one, all...

Triple Group exists 15 years!

Today Triple Group exists 15 years! We were surprised with a delicious fresh lunch buffet at the office and could look back on the past 15 years of Triple. Thanks to the perfect service by Anouschka and...

Magazine Industriebouw about project Triple Group

The July edition of Industriebouw devotes an article to the new building of MTS Euro Products in Maassluis. Read it via this link At the moment we are working on the finishing and the energy-saving installations. At the end of the year, the...

First pile driven for Amsterdam Logistic Cityhub

On Friday, April 30, initiator Wim Beelen and his family drove the first pile of Amsterdam Logistic Cityhub. That's what energizes an executive! Over 220,000 m2 of sustainable space for supply and...

Imposante nieuwbouw langs Nieuwe Waterweg

The new distribution center and head office for MTS Euro Products in Maassluis are going according to plan, despite some rather nasty 'weather' at the site right next to the Nieuwe Waterweg canal. Four...

Sloop laatste kas Honderdland

Currently the demolition of the last greenhouse of Honderdland in Maasdijk is approaching its completion. Mid March all greenhouses of the former horticultural area between the Nolweg and the Oranjesluisweg will be gone. Then there is free way...

New Management Board Triple Group

Triple Group has a new board of directors as of March 1. After a year of transition, Arie Kruithof and Eric in 't Veld have handed over the baton to fellow shareholders Marcel van der Zwan, Maarten Veldman and Marcel Eek. This...

Vacature Senior Projectmanager Bouw

Triple Group is the knowledge and network center for the greenhouse horticulture chain. Nationally and internationally. We stand for expertise, a broad network, a solution and result-oriented approach and entrepreneurship. Our clients come from the greenhouse horticulture chain and the...

Organizations become bigger, importance of structural increases

In view of the increasing size of companies, many entrepreneurs want to grow the personnel organization along with them, but they do not always know how best to go about this. This with the risk that the structure...

Emission-free cityhub at A1-spot: Amsterdam Logistic Cityhub

On the edge of the center of Amsterdam, a large-scale and unique logistics hub is being built for distribution of products over the 'last mile', into the city center. This is a major step forward in...

Agreements between Stolze Installatietechniek and HAL

Maasdijk-based Stolze Installatietechniek, a global player in the field of technical installations in horticultural greenhouses, has reached an agreement with investment company HAL to take a majority stake in the family-owned company. The company finds in HAL a stable shareholder...

Work is enjoying thanks to great clients

Work is fun thanks to great clients, people and companies that inspire. This morning the first pile was driven for the new building of MTS Euro Products B.V. along Het Scheur in Maassluis. It's great to be working for such a warm...

State-of-the-Art building Growers United completed

It was with pride and pleasure that we recently completed the new state-of-the-art distribution and packaging center for Growers United, formerly known as Coöperatie DOOR. It's great! Despite all the vicissitudes of the corona, the deadline was met thanks to the commitment and...

Building team MTS Euro Products prepares start of construction

Spot on the site along the Vlaardingsedijk in Maassluis where the new building of MTS Euro Products will rise. An exceptionally beautiful location at the mouth of the Nieuwe Waterweg canal. The construction team consisting of the client, partners Hercuton,...

Equipment and offices Coöperation DOOR are taking their shapes

The new construction of the DOOR cooperative on Honderdland in Maasdijk is going impressively fast! Offices are taking shape, the site paving is being constructed, parts of the advanced logistic installations are already being tested and all other important installations are being...

Assignment new construction building MTS Euro Products

Last week Triple Group officially received the order from MTS Euro Products to perform the entire project management for the new construction of the new distribution center and headquarters along the Nieuwe Waterweg in Maassluis! We...

New construction or renovation, what's sensible for your company?

Many entrepreneurs walk around with a certain idea and wonder if that idea is feasible and/or profitable. Due to a lack of time or insight, they fail to figure it out,...

Honderdland is expanding rapidly now

Recently the last existing companies have been bought up and the last plots have been definitively sold by developer Honderdland Development Combination. The different stages of the plots are now following each other rapidly, so that the development on Honderdland...

#FlowerBoostChallenge voor sierteelt en zorg

Thanks to the fantastic initiative, the #FlowerBoostChallenge, today we surprised the clients of the Zorghotel Sint Franciscus Gasthuis in Rotterdam with fresh flowers and plants, to let them know that we are thinking of them now that visit...

Triple Group ook naast de ondernemers in slechte tijden

For 13 years we have been active for entrepreneurs in the greenhouse horticulture chain. Working out plans in times of prosperity and finding solutions for businesses in bad weather is our specialty. A lot of knowledge...

New building of Freight Line Europe fully in use

Since the beginning of February the operation of Freight Line Europe has been active in the beautiful new housing at Honderdland in Maasdijk. These weeks the final deliveries will take place of the parties who have put the finishing touches to the...

Eric in ’t Veld becomes director Vreugdenhil Young Plants

As of March 1, 2020, our director and co-owner Eric in 't Veld will succeed the current director of Vreugdenhil Young Plants, Martin Uittenbroek. The year 2020 will be a transitional year, in which Eric will take over his management tasks and his...

Horticulture Entrepreneurs Price 2020 to Prominent

Undeniable vicarious pride, how cool! One of our clients, Growers Association Prominent has been named the winner of the Horticultural Entrepreneurs Award, because of its approach to collaboration, sharing of information for the benefit of the sector and...

Casco Freight Line Europe ready

After 9 months of construction, we have completed the shell delivery of the new building for Freight Line Europe in Maasdijk, together with De Vries en Verburg. In the coming months, the installers and finishing contractor will be putting the finishing touches to...

Set course and implement!

This month's Van der Burg "Dr. Green" article in Under Glass tells exactly what we at Triple Group do: set the course with the entrepreneur, define steps in a plan and implement that...

KERN sluit aan bij Triple Group

Per 1 januari 2025 worden Richard van de Merwe en Lianne Broos, samen KERN, onderdeel van Triple Group in Maasdijk. Met deze stap versterkt Triple Group haar positie als partner voor bedrijven in de horti-sector....

Aankoop bedrijf én financiering binnen maand?

Kunnen jullie mij helpen met de aankoop van een bedrijf inclusief financiering binnen één maand?Met deze vraag kwam Zulkuf (Zoef) Yilmaz van Yilmaz Radijs bij Ruud van der Knaap en Luc van der Bij van...

Fotoshoot met nieuwe collega’s

Afgelopen week hebben we een nieuwe fotoshoot gedaan voor onze website! Bij de start is het altijd onwennig om de camera onder ogen te komen, maar wat was het leuk! We hebben natuurtalenten in huis....

Bouw Van der Valk Solar Systems loopt goed

De bouwwerkzaamheden voor het nieuwe pand van Van der Valk Solar Systems in Naaldwijk lopen goed! Voor passanten is vooral de constructie van het kantoor zichtbaar. Achter het kantoor is hard gewerkt aan de fundering,...

Erik van Leeuwen junior project manager construction at Triple Group

Begin september is Erik van Leeuwen gestart bij Triple Group als junior projectmanager bouw. Erik is een energieke 4e jaars-student Technische Bedrijfskunde aan de Haagse Hogeschool die graag z’n handen uit de mouwen steekt. Hij...

Business closure of Van Drunen Potplant nursery

Potplantenkwekerij Van Drunen en Zn. BV in Amstelveen had geen bedrijfsopvolging. De buurman, Loogman Vastgoed B.V. met meerdere tank- en carwash-locaties, had behoefte aan uitbreiding van de huidige carwash en faciliteiten. Triple Group heeft Van...

Productive construction holiday!

Na de bouwvak maakten we een rondje langs onze bouwprojecten vlakbij. Tijdens de bouwvak is op de diverse locaties voorspoedig doorgewerkt. Bij Van der Valk Solar Systems in Naaldwijk is gestart met het oprichten van...

Annet Hooijmans passed away

Tot ons grote verdriet ontvingen wij het bericht dat Annet Hooijmans is overleden. De afgelopen jaren leverde Annet versterking waar nodig bij Triple Group. Altijd kon iedereen rekenen op de positieve, montere en nuchtere Annet die...

Triple Group zoekt een Organisatieadviseur Interim Management

Voor het uitbouwen van onze interim-activiteiten zijn wij op zoek naar een organisatieadviseur, die thuis is in het werkveld van tijdelijk management. Als expert in jouw vakgebied maak je gebruik van je grote netwerk in...

Nieuwbouw Mitrofresh gestart

De afgelopen maanden is hard gewerkt op het perceel van het nieuwe distributiecentrum van paddenstoelen- en agf-groothandel Mitrofresh aan de Transportweg in Maasdijk. Het bestaande pand is gesloopt en het terrein is bouwrijp gemaakt. Nu...

‘Er wordt gestuurd op energieneutraal bouwen’

Recent werd Triple Group benaderd door AGF-vakblad Primeur om onze visie te delen over de laatste ontwikkelingen en de uitdagingen bij het bouwen voor de AGF-sector. Maarten Veldman van Triple Group benoemt in bijgaand artikel...

Nieuwbouw Van der Valk Solar Systems

Binnenkort start de nieuwbouw van de toekomstige vestiging van Van der Valk Solar Systems op Galgeweg 46 in ’s-Gravenzande! Aad Bom heeft het ontwerp voor de nieuwbouw gemaakt, dat ruimte geeft voor de verdere groei...

Jill van der Salm junior business advisor at Triple Group!

Per 1 mei 2024 is Jill van der Salm gestart als junior bedrijfskundig adviseur binnen het Finance-team van Triple Group. Jill heeft Bedrijfskunde gestudeerd aan de Hogeschool Rotterdam, met als specialisatie verandermanagement en interne communicatie....

We are looking for a Junior Construction Project Manager!

Ben jij een starter op de arbeidsmarkt die van gevarieerd werk houdt en zich graag ergens in vast bijt? Word Junior Projectmanager Bouw bij Triple Group! Ben je praktisch, proactief en leergierig? Gaat je hart...

Leadership Masterclass: Continuing to develop yourself and broaden knowledge is important

Sebastiaan Breugem, Jan Reijm, Jip van ’t Hof en Jan van den Belt zijn de jonge ondernemers van Oxin Growers die de afgelopen maanden de Masterclass Leiderschap hebben gevolgd. Alle vier zijn zij werkzaam in...

Marcel van der Zwan leaves Triple Group

Per 1 april 2024 zal onze collega en mede-directielid Marcel van der Zwan vertrekken bij Triple Group om de directie van MTS Euro Products B.V. als COO (Chief Operations Officer) te versterken. De directie van...

Masterclass Strategy formation for Oxin Growers

Drie jonge ondernemers van Oxin Growers, Yuri Berben, Job Kaashoek en Jop de Vries, hebben afgelopen maanden de masterclass Strategievorming gevolgd. Deze masterclass is onderdeel van het programma Masterclass Young Oxin, die door René Gomersbach...

Elles Zwinkels organisation consultant at Triple Group

Per 1 januari 2024 is Elles Zwinkels toegevoegd aan het Finance-team van Triple Group. Elles heeft bij enkele toonaangevende bedrijven in en buiten de glastuinbouwsector gewerkt als o.a. afdelingsmanager Customer Service bij Lely Industries.Met haar...

Masterclass Business Succession for young entrepreneurs

De energietransitie, verduurzaming en digitalisering vragen veel van het vermogen van groenten- en fruittelers om te veranderen en te ontwikkelen. Voor de jonge ondernemers van telerscoöperatie Oxin Growers heeft René Gomersbach, business consultant bij Triple...

New distribution center Smits Zevenhuizen operational

Na twee jaar van engineeren en bouw staat het nieuwe pand van Smits Zevenhuizen aan de Zuidelijke Dwarsweg in Zevenhuizen. De nieuwbouw geeft Smits meer ruimte voor de bedrijfsprocessen van verwerking en distributie van kaas...

Construction supervision of new construction DAEL

Voor het nieuw te bouwen pand op Honderdland in Maasdijk met een BVO van 26.000 m2 heeft DAEL heeft DAEL Triple Group gevraagd het bouwtoezicht te gaan houden. Dat betekent dat Triple Group zich gaat...

New construction H.Z. Logistics completed

Na een periode van anderhalf jaar is afgelopen week het casco nieuwbouw pand van H.Z. Logistics door De Vries en Verburg opgeleverd. Momenteel wordt de laatste hand gelegd aan de kantoren en installaties, zodat H.Z....

Develop logistics plan Olympic Food Group

Olympic Food Group heeft Triple Group gevraagd om een logistiek plan uit te werken, met de vraag hoe het ideale pand van de toekomst eruitziet. Met onze logistieke kennis en ervaring in de AGF, zullen...

Triple Group is expanding!

René Gomersbach has been added to Triple Group's Finance team as of April 1, 2023. He will start as a senior business advisor and, in addition to providing financial guidance to companies, will be deployed as an interim management board member for customers/relations of Triple Group.

More and more construction projects are achieving BREEAM-NL Standard

Steeds meer bouwprojecten die Triple Group begeleidt en realiseert halen de BREEAM-NL Excellent-standaard. Dat betekent dat onze klanten het steeds belangrijker vinden om inzichtelijk te maken hoe duurzaam de nieuwbouw is én dat de projecten aan de...

Solid basis for the ambitions of nursery Mostert

Last week, the acquisition of and by went viral. The scale-up of, which is only 5 years old, is impressive, because with this acquisition the company is growing into the top 5...

5, 15 and another 15 years at Triple Group!

Three jubilees at Triple Group this month! Jochem Bos has been with the company for 5 years now. And Marcel van der Zwan and Anouschka Blom-van Leeuwen are even ticking 15 years! They started simultaneously on January 1, 2008. Our colleagues were surprised with a delicious cake!

New website is live!

Because time and developments do not stand still, it was time to refresh our website. We are proud to announce that our completely new website is now online. Not only the appearance of the website, but also the functionalities have been refreshed.

Highest point new construction H.Z. Logistics

Last week the highest point of the new cross-dock center of H.Z was reached. Logistics at the Honderdland business park in Maasdijk by De Vries and Verburg Bouw. When the highest point has been reached, the main supporting structure of the main building is ready and the installation of the facades and roofs continues.

Impressive sustainable new construction Dnata at Schiphol

Begin dit jaar is de bouw gestart van Vrachtgebouw 17, het nieuwe pand voor Dnata, een van de grootste vrachtafhandelaars op Schiphol. 7 Maanden na de start zijn de vorderingen van de nieuwbouw indrukwekkend. In...

Sustainable Amsterdam Logistic Cityhub

Duurzaamheid kan in één woord genoemd worden met de Amsterdam Logistic Cityhub, dat langs het Noordzeekanaal verrijst. Daar is het hele concept van het ALC op gericht: kwalitatieve distributie waarbij zuinig en slim wordt omgegaan...

Festive pile H.Z. Logistics crossdock center

Maandag 16 mei is de feestelijke heipaal geslagen voor de nieuwbouw van het crossdockcentrum van H.Z. Logistics op bedrijventerrein Honderdland in Maasdijk. De nieuwbouw bestaat 12.000 m2 met 32 docks en een hypermoderne garage met wasstraat voor...

Companies with an Advisory Board perform better

Heeft u behoefte aan een klankbord om vraagstukken en ontwikkelingen binnen en buiten uw bedrijf te bespreken? Dan kan een Raad van Advies (RvA) uitkomst bieden. Slechts 1 op de 20 middelgrote bedrijven in Nederland...

Insight and grip despite the volatile energy market

These are uncertain times for greenhouse horticultural entrepreneurs who have not yet purchased their energy needs in advance. Gas and electricity rates have risen to such an extremely high level that positive exploitation is difficult or impossible to achieve. Such a situation creates a lot of uncertainty. If you are not careful, this will have an impact on cultivation and therefore production.

New! Cargo building 17 at Schiphol Southeast

Construction will start this month on the new Cargo Building 17 at Schiphol Zuidoost, a new building for dnata, one of the largest cargo handlers at Schiphol, currently located in Cargo Building 5/6 at Schiphol Zuid. Cargo Building 5 will be demolished in 2024 to accommodate the 2nd phase of the doubling of Lane Quebec, a 2nd flyover for aircraft over the A4. Doubling this lane increases safety at Schiphol and improves the infrastructure for airlines and Air Traffic Control the Netherlands. The first phase of this project was completed and put into use in mid-December.

New cross-dock center for H.Z. Logistics

In March of 2022 the construction of the new cross-dock center for H.Z. Logistics will start! The new construction building will arise along the A20 at the Honderdland business park in Maasdijk! With the permit for the new building in its pocket, last week H.Z. Logistics proudly presented the impression images of its future headquarters.

Luc van der Bij business consultant at Triple Group

As of October 18, Luc van der Bij has been added to the Triple Group Finance team. He starts as a junior business consultant. Luc obtained his bachelor's degree in Business Administration this summer at The Hague University of Applied Sciences.

New construction MTS Euro Products almost completed

This week, the finishing touches are being put to the new construction of the colossal new premises of MTS Euro Products along the Scheur in Maassluis.Triple Group has been asked to act as the managing director for the new construction, which means that we...

End of cycling season 't Zuggie

Yesterday cycling club 't Zuggie organized a photo puzzle ride at the end of the cycling season. Thanks to the beautiful weather the ride became a great success. Many well-known and lesser-known places were visited. Around half past one, all...

Triple Group exists 15 years!

Today Triple Group exists 15 years! We were surprised with a delicious fresh lunch buffet at the office and could look back on the past 15 years of Triple. Thanks to the perfect service by Anouschka and...

Magazine Industriebouw about project Triple Group

The July edition of Industriebouw devotes an article to the new building of MTS Euro Products in Maassluis. Read it via this link At the moment we are working on the finishing and the energy-saving installations. At the end of the year, the...

First pile driven for Amsterdam Logistic Cityhub

On Friday, April 30, initiator Wim Beelen and his family drove the first pile of Amsterdam Logistic Cityhub. That's what energizes an executive! Over 220,000 m2 of sustainable space for supply and...

Imposante nieuwbouw langs Nieuwe Waterweg

The new distribution center and head office for MTS Euro Products in Maassluis are going according to plan, despite some rather nasty 'weather' at the site right next to the Nieuwe Waterweg canal. Four...

Sloop laatste kas Honderdland

Currently the demolition of the last greenhouse of Honderdland in Maasdijk is approaching its completion. Mid March all greenhouses of the former horticultural area between the Nolweg and the Oranjesluisweg will be gone. Then there is free way...

New Management Board Triple Group

Triple Group has a new board of directors as of March 1. After a year of transition, Arie Kruithof and Eric in 't Veld have handed over the baton to fellow shareholders Marcel van der Zwan, Maarten Veldman and Marcel Eek. This...

Vacature Senior Projectmanager Bouw

Triple Group is the knowledge and network center for the greenhouse horticulture chain. Nationally and internationally. We stand for expertise, a broad network, a solution and result-oriented approach and entrepreneurship. Our clients come from the greenhouse horticulture chain and the...

Organizations become bigger, importance of structural increases

In view of the increasing size of companies, many entrepreneurs want to grow the personnel organization along with them, but they do not always know how best to go about this. This with the risk that the structure...

Emission-free cityhub at A1-spot: Amsterdam Logistic Cityhub

On the edge of the center of Amsterdam, a large-scale and unique logistics hub is being built for distribution of products over the 'last mile', into the city center. This is a major step forward in...

Agreements between Stolze Installatietechniek and HAL

Maasdijk-based Stolze Installatietechniek, a global player in the field of technical installations in horticultural greenhouses, has reached an agreement with investment company HAL to take a majority stake in the family-owned company. The company finds in HAL a stable shareholder...

Work is enjoying thanks to great clients

Work is fun thanks to great clients, people and companies that inspire. This morning the first pile was driven for the new building of MTS Euro Products B.V. along Het Scheur in Maassluis. It's great to be working for such a warm...

State-of-the-Art building Growers United completed

It was with pride and pleasure that we recently completed the new state-of-the-art distribution and packaging center for Growers United, formerly known as Coöperatie DOOR. It's great! Despite all the vicissitudes of the corona, the deadline was met thanks to the commitment and...

Building team MTS Euro Products prepares start of construction

Spot on the site along the Vlaardingsedijk in Maassluis where the new building of MTS Euro Products will rise. An exceptionally beautiful location at the mouth of the Nieuwe Waterweg canal. The construction team consisting of the client, partners Hercuton,...

Equipment and offices Coöperation DOOR are taking their shapes

The new construction of the DOOR cooperative on Honderdland in Maasdijk is going impressively fast! Offices are taking shape, the site paving is being constructed, parts of the advanced logistic installations are already being tested and all other important installations are being...

Assignment new construction building MTS Euro Products

Last week Triple Group officially received the order from MTS Euro Products to perform the entire project management for the new construction of the new distribution center and headquarters along the Nieuwe Waterweg in Maassluis! We...

New construction or renovation, what's sensible for your company?

Many entrepreneurs walk around with a certain idea and wonder if that idea is feasible and/or profitable. Due to a lack of time or insight, they fail to figure it out,...

Honderdland is expanding rapidly now

Recently the last existing companies have been bought up and the last plots have been definitively sold by developer Honderdland Development Combination. The different stages of the plots are now following each other rapidly, so that the development on Honderdland...

#FlowerBoostChallenge voor sierteelt en zorg

Thanks to the fantastic initiative, the #FlowerBoostChallenge, today we surprised the clients of the Zorghotel Sint Franciscus Gasthuis in Rotterdam with fresh flowers and plants, to let them know that we are thinking of them now that visit...

Triple Group ook naast de ondernemers in slechte tijden

For 13 years we have been active for entrepreneurs in the greenhouse horticulture chain. Working out plans in times of prosperity and finding solutions for businesses in bad weather is our specialty. A lot of knowledge...

New building of Freight Line Europe fully in use

Since the beginning of February the operation of Freight Line Europe has been active in the beautiful new housing at Honderdland in Maasdijk. These weeks the final deliveries will take place of the parties who have put the finishing touches to the...

Eric in ’t Veld becomes director Vreugdenhil Young Plants

As of March 1, 2020, our director and co-owner Eric in 't Veld will succeed the current director of Vreugdenhil Young Plants, Martin Uittenbroek. The year 2020 will be a transitional year, in which Eric will take over his management tasks and his...

Horticulture Entrepreneurs Price 2020 to Prominent

Undeniable vicarious pride, how cool! One of our clients, Growers Association Prominent has been named the winner of the Horticultural Entrepreneurs Award, because of its approach to collaboration, sharing of information for the benefit of the sector and...

Casco Freight Line Europe ready

After 9 months of construction, we have completed the shell delivery of the new building for Freight Line Europe in Maasdijk, together with De Vries en Verburg. In the coming months, the installers and finishing contractor will be putting the finishing touches to...

Set course and implement!

This month's Van der Burg "Dr. Green" article in Under Glass tells exactly what we at Triple Group do: set the course with the entrepreneur, define steps in a plan and implement that...