The energy transition, sustainability and digitalization demand a lot from the ability of fruit and vegetable growers to change and develop. René Gomersbach, business consultant at Triple Group, is available for the young entrepreneurs of the grower cooperative Oxin Growers. developed the Young Oxin Masterclass. Bas Bazuin (21) uit Pijnacker is Young Oxin-lid, werkt fulltime in het komkommerbedrijf van zijn vader en volgt daarnaast de HBO-studie Tuinbouw & Agribusiness in deeltijd. Het familiebedrijf bestaat al 70 jaar en is van vader op zoon overgegaan. Bas wil het bedrijf op den duur overnemen. Omdat daar veel bij komt kijken, schreef hij zich in voor deelname aan de masterclass Bedrijfsopvolging.
Bas looks back on the days positively. “It was fun and educational. I didn't really have any expectations beforehand, because it was my first time participating in such a program. There was a lot of personal attention for my specific situation.” René Gomersbach, who gives the master classes, provides each participant with extensive, personal feedback about the participant and his or her leadership style based on answered questions at the start of the master class. “I received a clear summary in which I recognized myself. Interesting to hear about 'the colors of myself' when it comes to leadership and how I act in the corporate culture," says Bas.
Each step requires a preparation
“On the second day we considered the tax and legal aspects of a business takeover. As a result, I now have more insight into how different steps can be taken. Also about the importance of making clear agreements with the family and recording them.” Bas is already working on these things, because every step requires preparation. “The corporate form of our company will change in the long term. First I want to complete my HBO studies and then I want to join the company. Now I can think about how I want to do that. I see the importance of shareholdership to actually participate in entrepreneurship and share in the results.

The masterclass zoomed in on the figures from various practical situations. This was very helpful, every situation is different. The masterclass will give you a lot of insight and you will then have to consider how you can achieve this in your own situation.”
Any situation is unique
The last day of the program was devoted to company visits to Kwekerij Lijntje in Moerkapelle and Breugem Horticulture in Bleiswijk. Jan and Rob Oosterom and Sebastiaan Breugem spoke as experts by experience. Bas says that it was very interesting that the entrepreneurs were very open about their own situation. “I had written down twenty questions in advance, but in the end the questions came up naturally. Helpfully, the situations of the two companies differed. In one company, the younger generation, the current entrepreneur, had taken over the company in one go. At the other company, the takeover was done in stages.”
This approach creates a better picture
“In terms of size, the 3-day program with weeks in between was fine,” says Bas. “The information is practical and future-oriented. My ambition to take over the company is still there, but the idea of how I can best approach the takeover has changed. It would have been even better if I had been able to take the masterclass a few years ago. Who knows, maybe I'll do another masterclass. I find strategy formation and leadership both interesting. And René is a suitable trainer. He has a lot of knowledge and experience on different topics.”
The Young Oxin Masterclass consists of three programs: business succession, strategy formation and leadership development. The master classes increase insight into your own company and provide more clarity regarding the course to be followed. The Business Succession masterclass is aimed at the future entrepreneur who will take over the business of, in many cases, the parents. Social, fiscal, legal and business economic aspects are discussed in three days and last but not least: what does the bank look at?