Organizational Development

Growing organizations bring new challenges. The question arises if everyone grows with the organization, in the right place with the appropriate competencies. Maybe new roles are emerging? Organizational Development helps to build a solid and professional organization.

We map the current organization. By doing so we analyse if the organizational structure is still up-to-date and supportive of the firm’s offering and ambitions. A simple adjustment in the organizational structure can put the finishing touch and make your organization futureproof. Next to this, we can also look into the human side of organizations, the employees. For instance, by defining role clarity and supporting employees in new directions. After all, they shape the organization culture and success.

Together we map out the desired organization and determine what is needed to achieve this. We also support you in the implementation through organizational coaching and appointing new colleagues.

Growing implies developing. We are happy to develop your organization with you!

From our team

Arie Kruithof

Lianne Broos

Marcel Eek

Organisatieadviseur Interim Management

René Gomersbach

Richard van de Merwe

Ruud van der Knaap

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