Project management development business park 's-Gravenparck

Project management development business park 's-Gravenparck


For client Ancorel B.V. Triple Group is responsible for the project management of the development of a business park in the Hoeksche Waard municipality.

As a client you are completely unburdened by Triple.

Els Visser


Real estate company Ancorel B.V. has a location adjacent to the existing business park in 's-Gravendeel. Anchorel B.V. wants to develop this site into a business park for which a zoning plan change is required. Ancorel has approached Triple Group for the development of the site in collaboration with Ooms Makelaardij with a view to selling the plots.


The development of a plot with an agricultural destination into a business park and then further development into a business park with larger plots because there is a demand for this. This will make building land available on the scarce market and enable future plot owners to realize their building plans.


At the start, we sat down with the client to determine what he wants to achieve. Based on this, we made a proposal for the layout of the site. Then we talked to the municipality. We know the way and the procedures to be followed at various governments, because we also sit at the table with many governments for new construction plans.


Voorjaar 2012 is een herzien bestemmingsplan gerealiseerd. Momenteel zijn we met bezig met herontwikkeling.

Disciplines in project

Area development

Area development

Project Management

Project Management

Employee(s) in this project

Maarten Veldman