New build DC processing and storage of cheese and animal feed

New build DC processing and storage of cheese and animal feed

Smits Zevenhuizen

For Smits Zevenhuizen, Triple Group assisted in the production of the logistics design based on the existing architectural design and sketch plan. And she is responsible for the project management for the realization of the new DC to be built for the processing and storage of cheese and animal feed.

We hebben het gehele ontwerp hoofdzakelijk zelf uitgedacht, daar weten wij het meeste van. Bij de voorbereiding en tijdens de bouw doen zich opeens een heleboel extra vragen/uitdagingen waar we eigenlijk geen tijd voor hebben. Onze eigen dagelijkse bedrijfsvoering moet ook doorgaan en gaat op dat moment uiteraard voor.

We hebben de bouwbegeleiding uitbesteed aan Triple Group. Als er nu een vraag komt, zetten we die door naar Triple. Zij pakken het op, stemmen even kort af en handelen het af! Volgens ons een absolute must bij een groter project.

Léon en Jan Smits


The reason for the new building was the ambition of the brothers Jan and Leon Smits of Smits Zevenhuizen to build a new building in which the existing processes of processing, cheese and animal feed will be extensively automated and mechanized. The highly innovative and unique plan was partly designed in-house. Triple Group has been asked to take the plan to the next phase and ensure its realization.


The new DC for cheese and animal feed must become an efficient center where residual and side flows from the food industry are processed and prepared for shipment. It must be spacious and flexible to handle future volume growth. The new building connects to the existing buildings of Smits Zevenhuizen. The processes must be able to continue during the transition from existing to new accommodation.


We started with a quick scan of the design of the new building. Subsequently, the design for the building was worked out based on the optimal logistical situation, because the process is leading for an optimally functioning operation.

We then selected contractors and construction could begin. During construction, as a manager, we provide direction for the entire process and we keep a close eye on the planning and budget, so that the building will be realized on time and within budget.


De nieuwbouw is in het tweede kwartaal 2023 opgeleverd!

Disciplines in project



Project Management

Project Management

Employee(s) in this project

Dennis Vermeulen

Maarten Veldman