Sebastiaan Breugem, Jan Reijm, Jip van 't Hof and Jan van den Belt are the young entrepreneurs from Oxin Growers who have followed the Leadership Masterclass in recent months. All four work in a tomato or cucumber cultivation company as entrepreneurs or future entrepreneurs. They registered for this 5-day program of the Young Oxin Masterclass, which was developed by René Gomersbach of Triple Group to make entrepreneurs and companies more future-proof.
What are the experiences of the Leadership Masterclass?
'Educational and positive! I find it useful to step out of the business bubble and look at yourself and leadership from a different angle, together with like-minded people,” Sebastiaan Breugem kicks off. The others agree. 'It is interesting to look at leadership styles together with fellow entrepreneurs. It was a pleasant group and René is a good supervisor.'
'Continuing to develop yourself and broaden knowledge is important. Also for the choices you will make with the company. That is why I chose to register for this masterclass,' says Jan Reijm, which Jan van den Belt agrees. 'The masterclass attracted me because I think it is important that you also develop outside the company, outside your daily practice. For me, the choice for the Leadership masterclass was logical, because you can also apply it in daily life.
'The program exceeded expectations,' says Jan Reijm, 'the small group meant that you were constantly working together and that you could discuss the material and situations in detail. It was intensive, but there was plenty of time for everything.' That also surprised Sebastiaan positively. 'Everyone was open and there was trust.' Jan van den Belt from IJsselmuiden indicates that he did not know in advance what to expect. 'I went into it blankly and think you can always learn something. Also from the young entrepreneurs in the group. It was a useful setting to hear how things are going elsewhere, especially because our company is a bit more remote.'

Methods for insight into yourself and your happiness
The masterclass used Management Drives, a method that provides insight into drivers. The participants were asked in advance to complete a questionnaire. Based on this, René had made a summary per participant with the personal characteristics, which characteristics you fall back on first in critical situations and which people's behavior you have difficulty with. 'It's amazing that the result is so close to your personality and so concrete. What was important here was the explanation that René gave per person.' Jip adds that the results of the method can also be confrontational, although in principle you know these things for yourself. Jan van den Belt responds to this: 'I think everyone knows a little bit about how he or she works. The results of Management Drives provide confirmation. After the session on this, you can really recognize the profile characteristics in yourself and in others, which helps to understand others and to be more effective.'
Using the MPS method, which stands for Meaning, Pleasure and Strength, the participants worked on the question of what really makes them happy and how you can find tasks and projects that are fascinating and rewarding for you. 'Interesting to discuss this. There were nice discussions and the approach provided good insights. You receive confirmation of things that make you less happy and/or suit you less well and you realize that you can take them into account. For example, it is better to delegate some things to someone else, because that person is much more effective at that than you are.'
After three separate training days, the last two days were on Schiermonnikoog. The journey of discovery of 'learning through experience' was central. 'Because you were really away from your company, there was space to reflect on how you approach things and what went well or less well. By working on the recommendations that each of us had received in a game format, you could practice and become aware of how things could be done differently and perhaps sometimes should be done differently,' says Sebastiaan.
'I got a lot of inspiration from the techniques of the former commandos.'
Jip thought Allied Forces' contribution was very good. 'The former commandos were very accessible and provided very good explanations based on practical examples.' “These people have years of experience, you can tell,” says Jan Reijm.

'The location and the surroundings on Schiermonnikoog were also of added value. Away from the corporate bubble and our daily lives. It was quiet, there were no distractions like there could be at your company or in a busy city. The meeting location suited the session. No glamour, but pure. And it was just hard work, but on yourself and with each other. At the end of the day we were just exhausted.'
'No glamour, but pure.'
The program on these closing days was diverse and varied. 'The first morning on Schiermonnikoog we started with the silent walk. Completely calm your mind and think about yourself and what you want to achieve. This was followed by a long sit at the location, after which we went outside again. That was really necessary. We did games in which we practiced leadership techniques, there was space to think during a silent walk and we did breathing techniques in the sea. Fun sessions and theory alternated and the activities strengthened the group feeling,' says Jip. Jan van den Belt indicates that he found the closing days especially enjoyable. 'I'm more of a practical person. The environment and setting gave a completely different vibe than when you sit alone behind your laptop or watch a PowerPoint. The variety was good those days.'
Heavy but the variety kept us going
The participants think the structure of the program is good. First look specifically at yourself with Management Drives, then focus on the things that are important to you using MPS and finish with an external program. 'There was a good balance. The theory is often tough, even now, but the relationship was good. You work and live towards something. There was a common thread.
'I learned the most from the outdoor program.'
The group size during this masterclass was fine. In addition to the Young Oxins, Luc van der Bij, an employee of Triple Group who fits perfectly into the group in terms of age, also joined. 'Luc's contribution from a financial, more business perspective gave us food for thought. 'The scope of this 5-day masterclass was also good. First a day together every few weeks (three in total) and two consecutive days at an external location. Because we already went to Schiermonnikoog on Wednesday, we were able to make good use of the two whole days.
Masterclass win
We asked each participant what this Leadership Masterclass has given him. Sebastiaan then indicates, 'Management Drives has given me a clear profile of myself that provides tools for the future. I have learned to recognize personal styles and I try to respond to them.' Jan Reijm agrees with him and mentions 'You now think about some things more often, subconsciously you pay attention to people's characteristics. What was covered during the masterclass also regularly provides discussion material with others in my environment.'

Jip says that the masterclass has given him many insights and has also provided food for thought. “The dynamics in the group also gave me insight into others, which I may also be able to apply in the company,” says Jan van den Belt. 'Furthermore, the interaction was good and pleasant. We are all still quite young, but it was nice that there was a mix of ages. We inspired each other.'
'By practicing the game forms, I have gained new insights.'
The participants agree that it is good that Oxin Growers offers these master classes. “Just to get out of your own bubble, I would like to take another masterclass, if the subject suits my needs,” says Sebastiaan. Jip says, 'I wouldn't take another masterclass right away, but I will in a few years. For example, the Strategy Masterclass and Business Takeover Masterclass in the Young Oxin program.' Jan van den Belt agrees, 'Now I will get to work with the insights I gained in this masterclass. There is plenty to do in practice, also because of the expansion of our company.' Jan Reijm would certainly recommend the Leadership Masterclass to fellow entrepreneurs. 'It's good for yourself and the company.'